Creating a Basic Registration Continued¶
Now that you have created a very simple registration, here’s how you can add a few features.
If you have not already, you will want to read the first article Creating a Basic Registration as this article builds on that one. That article contains several videos as well.
See also
Below is a video demonstrating adding Questions, a Fee, and an image to your confirmation for a basic online registration.
Add Questions¶
Go to the Organization for which you created the basic registration, click on the Registration > Questions tab and then click Edit.
Click the Show Help button (next to Edit) to view a description of each item as you add questions.
To select the various options, first click Add Question and then make your selections from the dialog box.

You can click several options, click Done and then continue by editing those selections.
Or, you can also one option, click Done, edit that option, and click Add Question to make another selection.
Below are just few of the options that are available. Once you are comfortable, you will want to read about all the options.
See also
- Request
This type of question presents a text field, and does not require an answer. It provides a way for a registrant to request a teammate, coach or roommate, for example.
The Request answers appear several places:
the Member Dialog on the ‘Member Data’ tab
the Member Export and Group Export
the Manage Org Members page
The items below will place the registrant in the sub-group that corresponds to their answers.
- Yes / No Questions
These questions require an answer. Click the green +Add Item button to display a Questions text field. Enter your question. Keep the questions short, as each sub-group will include the text of your question with either Yes: or No: in front, based on the registrant’s answer.
For each Yes / No Question, click the green +Add Item button. All of the Yes / No Questions will be grouped together.
- Dropdowns
These require an answer. Use this when you want to present options for which they can select only one.
Enter the the label for your set of dropdown options, and then click the green +Add Item button for each each option in the drop down.
The ‘Description` is what the registrant will see and the Sub-Group will be the name of the group inside the organization (usually a shorter name than the description).
You have the option to add a Fee, Limit, and DateTime (for a meeting).
Continue as above until you have all the items you want to appear in the dropdown menu.
You can add multiple sets of dropdowns.
- Checkboxes
Use this option when the person may select multiple items. You can require a Minimum and restrict to a Maximum by entering a number in those fields. Leave them blank if you want the person to be able to check all or none of them. Ignore the Columns field unless you are creating a more complex registration for multiple time slots on multiple days.
You can add as many sets of checkboxes as you need.
Be sure you click Save before you leave the Questions tab.
Add Image in Confirmation¶
The previous help article Creating a Basic Registration explained how to create a confirmation. You can go a step further and insert an image into the confirmation.
- Go to Registration > Messages tab.
Click Edit and then click the edit link for the confirmation body.
Put your cursor where you want the image, then click the Image icon in the toolbar (it looks like a picture).
Either drag and Drop the image, or click and find and select the image, or Enter the URL and click OK.
You will see that the image is uploading.
Click Save to save the confirmation and then Save again to save everything on the Messages tab
After your image is uploaded, you can make it smaller, if necessary, by dragging a corner of the image. You can also set the alignment using the toolbar that will popup when the image is selected.
There are other types of registrations that either display a dropdown list of organizations from which the registrant can choose or those that place the registrant in an organization based on their age and/or gender.
Latest Update |
11/13/2020 |
Modify image link with secure protocol.