Drop Type

This Condition located on teh Membership category tab in Search Builder is looking at the Drop Type on a person’s Member Profile tab. If you are using the Automated Membership Process in TouchPoint, there are a few things that happen automatically when you change the Drop Type (and date), otherwise, you will have to record each one manually.


You can also find decision information including drops (and drill down to the details in Search Builder) on the Decision Summary Report.

Use Case

You can use this search combined with the Condition Drop Date to find those who Lettered Out during the past year. You might also add the Condition Resident Code and select Equals Non Resident, so that you will see those who left because they no longer live in your area. Or reverse that to find those who do still live in your area but changed churches. You can combine that with other Conditions to see if they were enrolled and/or attending a Main Fellowship Class.

The Drop Types will be different for your database if your Admin has changed them. Here are the standard Drop Types:

  • Administrative – Used when one is unable to locate an individual

  • Another Denomination – When an individual joins a different denomination

  • Deceased – Automatically selected when a current member dies and is given a Deceased Date

  • Lettered Out – Joined another church of the same denomination

  • Non-Dropped – This is the default setting

  • Other – Used only if none of the other categories will fit

  • Requested Drop – Member asked to be removed