Contribution Workflow

Contributions can be captured through Online Giving, through registrations using the Ask Donation option or designating the fees as donations, or entered manually into a batch.

Online Contributions

When contributions are made through the Online Giving platform, a batch will be automatically created. A Finance user will then review the batch and close it, and can further mark it as Reconciled. All contributions can be viewed and reports created on the Contributions Search page.

Manually Entered Contributions

Contributions can be manually entered into a batch by a Finance user.


Before beginning to enter contributions for the first time, create a people record to attribute offering plate contributions that are not attributable to someone. Suggested names include Loose Change, Offering Plate, or Unidentified Cash. For this record, set the Statement Option to None, so a statement won’t be generated when you run statements for the church. Also, set the Marital Status and Gender to Unknown and Global Privacy Settings to Do Not Visit, Mail, or Call. Assign either no DOB or make the person well over 100 years old to be more identifiable when looking at age range reports.

Scanned Checks

For quicker data entry, scan contribution checks and envelopes using our TouchPoint Check Scanner application. This can be done by someone with the Finance or FinanceDataEntry role. A Finance user will then review the batch, close it, and then mark as Reconciled.

Imported Contributions

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