Totals by Fund Report

Totals by Fund Report

This report requires that you select a date range and will give a total per Fund for that range and the total number of contributions to that fund. The primary purpose is to generate the summary totals you need to post into your general ledger. Always verify that the Bundles have been closed before running this report for this purpose. The Fund ID is displayed in parentheses next to the Fund name.

You also have several options:

  • Select a Campus

  • Select one or more Contribution Type - Tax-Deductible, Non-Tax-Deductible, Non-Contribution

  • Source - Online, Not Online, Both

  • Include the Bundle Type

  • Filter by Active Tag

  • Include closed bundles - As stated above, we do not recommend you do that when you are going to use the numbers to post to your GL. You can post to your general ledger daily, weekly or monthly; whatever works best for you.

If you want more details about your Funds and Bundle Types than appear on the Totals by Fund Report, see Ledger Income below. This export will display your GL account numbers and more.

You can also generate further reports and exports from this report. See below for details.


The Count on the Totals by Fund Report is the total number of individual contributions, not a total number of donors. If you want to know how many donors have contributed during a date range, use the Donor Totals Export.

Generate the Fund Totals Report

Step 1

Select Administration > Contributions > Basics > Totals by Fund.


This report will only pull data from closed bundles unless otherwise specified.

Step 2

Enter the Date Range for the bundles (use the Contribution Date).

Select the appropriate options/filters (see image below for further explanation).

Click Run Report

Step 3

Transfer the totals from this report for each fund into your general ledger.

Further Options

After you run the report, you have the following export options:

Bundle Totals Fund Report

Click the name of the fund for a breakdown by bundle of the contributions included in the Totals by Fund Report. This opens a new tab with the details per bundle, with a header containing the information relating the filters you selected.

Contributions Details

Click the dollar amount beside each fund to see the list of individual contributions for that fund during the specified date range. This opens Contributions Search with the filters set based on the filters you have set on the Totals by Fund.


The Bundle Totals Fund Report and Contributions Details opens in a new tab. This allows you to return to the Totals by Fund Report and make another selection. This will refresh the other tab with the new information without your having to re-run the Totals by Fund Report.


Donor Details

This spreadsheet contains one row per contribution.

Donor Fund Totals

This spreadsheet contains a summary per fund for each donor.

Donor Totals

This spreadsheet contains a summary per person for each donor.

Ledger Income

This Excel export contains more information about your Funds and the Bundles then just the Totals by Fund itself, including the number of contributions included in each group, the account numbers for your general ledger for each fund, and more.

Latest Update


Changed Tax Status dropdown to Contribution Type